DWCA Book Club June – The Day of the Doctor

BBC Books is bringing back the classic Target-style Doctor Who novelisations for a select number of New Who stories, and the DWCA Book Club is celebrating by reading the most ambitious of them all: The Day of the Doctor.

Novelised by Steven Moffat himself, the book enables readers to relive the magic of the 50th anniversary special in a style that has been beloved by Doctor Who fans for generations. It is one of four New Series stories to receive the Target treatment, the others being Rose by Russell T Davies, The Christmas Invasion by Jenny T Colgan and Twice Upon a Time by Paul Cornell.

The Day of the Doctor will be released in Australia in eBook form on 5 April and as a paperbook on 16 April, and will be discussed at the DWCA Book Club meeting on Friday 1 June. You can also comment on our Facebook page if you can’t make the event.


Do you consider yourself something of an armchair critic? Send us a written review of the current Book Club text, and your words just may end up published in our club fanzine, Data Extract. What’s more, you will go into the running to win a $5 voucher to spend at the DWCA Shop!

Reviews should be sent to Dom Kelly at fsq@doctorwhoaustralia.org.

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