DWCA Publishing releases 2018 Zerinza yearbook

The Doctor Who Club of Australia is pleased to announce the return of its Zerinza yearbook, and it’s full to the brim with interviews, fiction, comics and articles.

From the archives you can read Nicholas Courtney discussing his career as the Brigadier and Dudley Simpson reflecting on everything from composing scores to street racing with Jon Pertwee. Go behind the scenes on Whovians with show researcher Pat Magee, then from in front of the camera with Adam Richard. Camille (Jackie Tyler) Coduri discusses the departure of Christopher Eccleston and the arrival of David Tennant, writers Jon Blum and Kate Orman talk about writing for Big Finish, and Titan artist Simon Myers discusses his covers for the Doctor Who comics range. Plus the true story of how Rosemary Howe succeeded in writing the first ever novelisation of The Daleks’ Master Plan, without access to the script or ever having seen it! And just what did happen to Katy Manning on the drive to the recent DWCA day event?

Featuring a plethora of content designed to entertain Doctor Who fans everywhere, Zerinza Volume Two is available now as a free PDF to all current DWCA members – so check your inboxes now for your download link from DWCA Publishing. If you are a DWCA member but you haven’t received an email, contact us at enquiries@doctorwhoaustralia.org.

The book can also be purchased in hardcover or paperback formats via the DWCA Publishing store: www.lulu.com/spotlight/DoctorWhoClubOfAustralia.

A very, very big thank you to the many talents who contributed to the pages of this release. We hope you will enjoy their efforts and look forward to bringing you more exciting content from DWCA Publishing in the future.

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