The DWCA is excited to present our first publication of 2017: the launch of our new yearbook, Zerinza.
Zerinza Volume One celebrates 40 years of the DWCA and features interviews with and articles by every past President from across the club’s entire history. It also celebrates text Who, 2016 having been a year with less content on TV and more on book shelves. This includes an exclusive interview with Doctor Who actor and Second Doctor son Michael Troughton, who discusses writing his father’s biography. David J Howe talks about co-writing Jon Pertwee’s final memoir, Colin West remembers illustrating Tom Baker’s poetry and Peter Davison describes writing the script for the Five(ish) Doctor’s Reboot. There is also a rare interview transcript of Nicholas Courtney and Katy Manning from the first Whovention, comics, art, articles and fiction!
All DWCA members will have received an email including links to both PDF and ePub versions of the book – if you didn’t receive this email, please contact us. And if you’re a non-member and you want to see what all the fuss is about, or you enjoyed the book and want a hard copy to put on your shelf, you can purchase a bound edition in either paperback or hardcover format from the DWCA Publishing online shop here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/DoctorWhoClubOfAustralia
One piece of sad news we have to relate is that the club’s epublication The Nethersphere has ended with its seventh issue. DWCA Publishing will be collecting all seven issues into a hardcover bound volume that will available from the DWCA Publishing online shop later in the year. But for fans of the publication you will be glad to know that co-editors Dallas Jones and Roger Reynolds are already hard at work on their own all-new, independent fanzine – Trap Street. Look for its first release later this year as well. Although not part of the club’s in-house publications, it promises to appeal to any reader who enjoyed their work on The Nethersphere.
Due out shortly is the next issue of club magazine Data Extract, so members should look for it in their letterboxes soon. But in the meantime we hope you will enjoy the Zerinza special. A big thank you to club founder Antony Howe, for giving permission to revive the Zerinza name. Thanks also to all those who contributed to its pages. We hope you will enjoy our efforts and look forward to bringing you more exciting content from DWCA Publishing on into 2017.