Issue #242 of Data Extract, the official magazine of the Doctor Who Club of Australia, is now in the mail for all DWCA members!
She took on the Ice Warriors, ran the T-Mat system and gave Fewsham a roasting all without breaking a sweat! We find out just how Louise Pajo brought Gia Kelly to life in the Doctor Who classic Seeds of Death in our exclusive interview. Also, find out just how Mark Worgan went about recreating the 1972 Doctor Who annual that never was (with a little help from Katy Manning, Richard Franklin and John Levene). Plus the Eleventh Doctor and Eleanor face the House of Blood and a time travelling Shakespeare investigates the murder of Caesar, not to mention reviews and discussion on Jodie Whittaker’s debut season.
The new issue is available exclusively to DWCA members, so click here to sign up today. Select back issues of the magazine can also be purchased from the DWCA Shop.