Notice of 2019 Annual General Meeting of the DWCA

DATE: Sunday 25 August 2019
TIME: 4pm
VENUE: 2nd Floor Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Road, Burwood NSW
AGENDA: President’s Report; Treasurer’s Report; and Election of Office Bearers.

Any candidate standing for election as an Office Bearer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) must be a current DWCA member who has held membership for a minimum period of five years, including at least one year immediately prior to the election. Additionally, they should be able to attend regular committee meetings held in Sydney and demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the club.

To nominate for an Office Bearer position, download the form below and fill in the following information:

  • the name of the nominee;
  • the address of the nominee;
  • the Club member number of the nominee;
  • a statement that the member wishes to nominate for a specific Office Bearer position (a person can only nominate for one position in any election);
  • the signature of the nominee;
  • the date of the nomination; and
  • the signature and the Club member numbers of two members endorsing the nomination.

The form must be submitted to the following address by 26 July:

The Returning Officer DWCA
PO Box 870
NSW 1710

Eligible nominees will be notified by the Returning Officer once nominations are closed and invited to submit a statement to be provided to members in support of their nomination.

Nomination Form
Election of Office Bearers – Rules & Procedures (attached to the DWCA constitution as a special resolution)

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