DATE: Sunday 13 August 2017

TIME: 4pm

VENUE: 2nd Floor Club Burwood, 97 Burwood Road, Burwood NSW

AGENDA: President’s Report; Treasurer’s Report; and Election of Office Bearers.

Any candidate standing for election as an Office Bearer (President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) must be a current DWCA member who has held membership for a minimum period of five years, including at least one year immediately prior to the election. Additionally, they should be able to commit to duties including but not limited to:

  • Attendance at monthly committee meetings in the Sydney metro area;
  • Attendance and assistance at bimonthly day events in the Sydney metro area, plus Trivia Night and other special events;
  • Attendance and assistance at third-party events, including set-up of the Club Shop;
  • Regular contribution to email discussions;
  • Assistance with quarterly mailout of Data Extract magazine.

To nominate for an Office Bearer position, download a form below and fill in the following information:

  • the name of the nominee;
  • the address of the nominee;
  • the Club member number of the nominee;
  • a statement that the member wishes to nominate for a specific Office Bearer position (a person can only nominate for one position in any election);
  • the signature of the nominee;
  • the date of the nomination; and
  • the signature and the Club member numbers of two members endorsing the nomination.

The form must be submitted to the following address by 13 July:

The Returning Officer DWCA
PO Box 870
NSW 1710

Eligible nominees will be notified by the Returning Officer once nominations are closed and invited to submit a statement to be provided to members in support of their nomination.

Nomination Form
Election of Office Bearers – Rules & Procedures (attached to the DWCA constitution as a special resolution)

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