Online DWCA Annual General Meeting

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Date(s) - 15/11/2020
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Categories No Categories

Thanks to Covid-19, this year’s meetings well and truly had the kibosh put on them, and that included our usual August AGM.

The new date for the AGM is 4pm AEST on November 15. Because we have no idea what the level of restriction in place will be, we’re going to hold it online via freely available online conferencing software Big Blue Button, which has a neat built-in poll function for taking votes.

An email with the invite code will be sent out to members the day before (Saturday November 14).

In addition to voting on the club’s Office Bearers and other such AGM activities, we’re also wanting to perform a few simple amendments of the constitution as listed below.

Further information will appear in the club’s electronic newsletter


INSERT the following clause into Section 18 (no previous specification for lack of candidate for Office Bearer)

18.2 Casual Committee vacancies – office bearer

(1) In the event that an office bearer is no longer occupied and pending replacement of the office holder, the responsibilities of that office may be assigned to and split between one or more of the remaining members of the committee. This supersedes the prohibition against a single person being candidate for 2 concurrent office bearing roles.

(2) In the event that this role is a signatory to the club accounts, a new signatory must be appointed to ensure no person has sole access to the club accounts


REPLACE ALL OF SECTION 24 with the following (specific mention of validity of online meeting place, plus correction of line break error)

Annual general meetings – calling thereof and business

(1) The annual general meeting of the association is, subject to the Act and to clause 23, to be convened on such date and at such place and time as the committee thinks fit. Such a designated place specifically includes such virtual locations and other online meeting places as may exist.

(2) In addition to any other business which may be transacted at an annual general meeting, the business of an annual general meeting is to include the following:

a) to confirm the minutes of the last preceding annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since that meeting,
b) to receive from the committee reports on the activities of the association during the last financial year,
c) to elect office-bearers of the association and ordinary committee members,
d) to receive and consider any financial statement or report required to be submitted to members under the Act.

(3) An annual general meeting must be specified as such in the notice convening it.


REPLACE SECTION 25 (3) with the following (correction of line break error)

(3) A requisition of members for a special general meeting:

a) must state the purpose or purposes of the meeting, and
b) must be signed by the members making the requisition, and
c) must be lodged with the secretary, and
d) may consist of several documents in a similar form, each signed by one or more of the members making the requisition.


REPLACE the whole of section 42 with the following (change financial year to standard June/July split instead of currect May/June split)

Financial year

The financial year of the association is:

a) the period of time commencing from the 1st July 2020
b) each period of 12 months after the expiration of the previous financial year of the association, commencing on 1st July and ending on the following 30th June.


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