Having lain divided and dormant on Earth for centuries, the most dangerous creature in the universe sets about rebuilding its life: reassembling its body, constructing a new casing, and destroying any threat that comes in its path – but this ancient force won’t succeed until it has eliminated the Doctor and her friends.
The Thirteenth Doctor’s 'Fam' of Ryan, Yaz and Graham land back on Earth, crashing into Call the Midwife’s Charlotte Ritchie as Lin and Nicholas Briggs, once again delivering his famous Dalek voice.
With plenty of action, a good dose of humour, a strong emotional through-line concerning the reunion between Ryan and his estranged father, and the return of old favourites the Daleks (or, at least, a Dalek), Resolution is one of the strongest episodes to come from the Chibnall production team. This holiday blockbuster of an episode makes for a great companion release for The Complete Eleventh Series.