About the DWCA

The Doctor Who Club of Australia (formerly known as the Australasian Doctor Who Fan Club) was formed in 1976 when fans picketed the Sydney office of the ABC protesting a decision to drop the show. Now over forty years later, the club has never looked back. This club is strictly and proudly a non-profit organisation, run entirely by unpaid volunteers. We are strongly opposed to any attempt to professionalise fandom.

Due to the vast distances involved in this country, most regular fan meetings in Australia are run by smaller, locally based clubs and informal groups of fans. The DWCA helps run a number of local groups, which run various types of gatherings, ranging from informal meet-ups at pubs, clubs and people’s homes, to organised day events. The club occasionally runs full-scale conventions – such as Whovention. These events are typically over a weekend, and in many cases, attract overseas guests.

The DWCA like to keep their members and fellow fans up to date with the latest news concerning Doctor Who, which is done mainly through our two publications. Our club magazine, Data Extract, is produced quarterly, and contains news as well as reviews of the programme and various merchandise, amongst other things.

The DWCA Shop offers a selection of professional merchandise, including Doctor Who DVDs and Blu-ray from Universal, Doctor Who and other related audio CDs and books from Big Finish, Doctor Who novellas from Telos Publishing, Doctor Who toys and collectables from Ikon, as well as the occasional rare and/or exclusive items direct to club members. Items are available through the club at significant savings compared with standard recommended retail prices.


Current Committee Members

President – Jon Andersen
Vice President – Darran Jordan
Secretary – Roger Reynolds
Treasurer – Brad Harrison
Publications Manager – Darran Jordan
Publicity Manager – Tania Spiers-Phillips
Local Groups Manager – Tom Norquay
Merchandise Manager – Gavin Hayne

Click here to read the Doctor Who Club of Australia’s constitution – dated 14 November, 2020


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